Hi there! I am a CS PhD student at UCLA advised by Prof. Quanquan Gu. I am a member of lmsys.org and working closely with Prof. Ying Sheng and Prof. Lianmin Zheng on the SGL project.
I seek opportunities to utlize LLM inference to accelerate LLM applications. For detailed research interests, please refer to my Zhihu posts, Awesome ML-SYS Tutorial and my Google Scholar profile.
I obtained my Bachelor of Engineer Degree at THU, Deparment of Computer Science and Technology, where I worked on LLM Alignment and Data Synthesis.
At my undergraduate years, I was fortunately supervised by Prof. Graham Neubig and Prof. Sherry Tongshuang Wu and mentored by Vijay Viswanathan at CMU. Their research guidance and tastes are invaluable to me.
Machine Learning Systems
Language Model Programming
Steel-string Acoustic Guitar 民谣吉他
Swimming, Running and Hiking
Cooking Szechwan Cuisine 川菜